Accelerate the Mission
The time to accelerate is now, and to reach Vision 2030, we must double down.

The Pursuit
At Harvesters, we are a church planting organization focused on fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through the training of indigenous pastors worldwide in the principles of evangelism, disciple-making, church-planting, and pastoral training. We work alongside indigenous pastors who have an evangelical heart, a high regard for Scripture, and a passion for the Great Commission. These traits coupled with the Biblical principles we employ in training ensures new believers are won to Christ and new churches are planted. Discipleship is at the foundation of everything we strive for.
The Confidence
Harvesters’ unique Hub Church methodology results in exponential growth by design. Now in our 26th year, 131,700 churches have been planted across 97 countries, the training curriculum is available in 67 languages, and there are currently 40,000 student pastors enrolled who will each plant at least one church this year. The average membership across these churches is 100 members with a 98% retention rate of newly planted churches.

The Vision
Christ commanded his followers to ‘make disciples of all the nations’, and at Harvesters, we take this very seriously. Through Harvesters’ Hub Church methodology of rapid multiplication church planting, we seek to plant 1 million churches, train 1 million pastors, and win and disciple 100 million born again believers by 2030.
The Path
At Harvesters, we partner with like-minded indigenous churches and pastors to strategically and systematically plant new churches. Our mission is to win the Lost to Christ through the Gospel and then to disciple them. We are not in the business of transferring someone from one church to another, but instead focused on transforming hearts.
We partner with like-minded organizations who share our vision to help fulfill the Great Commission. We have ongoing, joint global efforts with One Hope, Faith Comes by Hearing, BEE World, Biblica, and others. Currently we are the top recipient and global distributor of Bibles from Biblica, dubbed the “First Church, First Bible” project. This project proves a vital part of our efforts to disciple new believers in newly planted churches.
The Need Translated
Through the Harvesters Hub Church planting methodology, alongside the local pastor we plant a church through evangelism, raise up a local person to pastor the new church and train the new leader for four years at an average of $200. During this period, the Student Pastor will plant at least three new churches and ensure that all members are being discipled and are discipling at least two people each. This leads to church growth and multiplication.
The Acceleration
God continues to push the mission forward through Harvesters Ministries. Viewed globally, across the 40,000 student pastors, the Harvesters’ network is currently planting on average 130 churches each day. Looking closer, this means that one person plants one church, in one year.
Additionally, God is reaching the lost through Harvesters with several projects focused on reaching unreached people groups.
Harvesters is reaching the unreached…delivering His Word through Harvesters… thriving amidst persecution. Even so, the mission must accelerate.
To date across the world, Harvesters has facilitated 197 active church planting movements, dubbed Streams.
But it is not enough. Christ is returning.

The time to accelerate is now, and to reach Vision 2030, we must double down. Acceleration with Harvesters means:
Acceleration Means...
Double our field efforts in every way.
Double the countries.
Double the Streams.
Double the student pastors.
Double the translations.
Double our 49-member staff.
Double our 10,000 volunteers.
Double our partnerships.
Double our global budget to 8MM.
is in place…
Structure & Leadership
Your gift is the missing link to explosive growth
Thank you for your prayerful consideration. We cannot wait to propel the mission forward with your partnership and further Open the way for the world to know Jesus.
An IRS registered 501(c)(3) organization, EIN# 81-3261157