Pray with Us: Native American Tribes

Today I am calling upon you to pray with us for the Native American tribes in the USA.

As we lay the foundations for this ministry in relationship building and vision casting, your prayers play a vital role in propelling the work forward.

We are grateful to the Lord for the opportunities He has provided for us to sow seeds of hope and share the love of Christ in unique and often overlooked places.

By connecting with the Native American community and understanding their unique cultural heritage, we are establishing trust and demonstrating the love of Christ. He has provided strategic partnerships, and we have had the privilege to share about Harvesters at several key events.

Native American group. Harvesters Ministries

We rejoice in the progress but humbly recognise that the mission field is vast. There are 574 federally recognised Native American tribes in the United States, each with its own distinct culture, language and history.

Thankfully, we have the power of the Holy Spirit that goes before and behind us. We are excited about the opportunities that lay ahead, including an upcoming visit to Arizona.

Our mission is to share the Good News of Jesus to every nation and tribe!

Will you pray with us this week?


Prayer Points

Native Americans at conference 2. Harvesters Ministries

  • Thank the Lord for indigenous pastors who are making a positive impact on the Native communities of North America. Pray that we would identify and nurture more leaders.
  • Pray that a deep hunger for spiritual growth and transformation would rise within Native American communities. Pray for the development of doctrinally-sound and culturally relevant resources to aid in effective discipleship and teaching.
  • Ask the Lord to direct us to the right people and help us establish deep connections.
  • Pray that the Lord will help us to meet the needs of the Native people with compassion and love.
  • Ask the Lord to open the way for Harvesters to minister, support and serve where we can, so that all can know the saving love of Jesus.

As we continue ploughing the fields of a new mission field, we are seeing God’s hand in remarkable ways. Your prayers make an eternal difference! Thank you for praying with us.


More ways to pray with us today >>


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