Families in Kenya Experienced Three Catastrophes!

A locust plague, destructive floods and a life threatening virus which caused a pandemic – Kenya experienced all these catastrophes within the past few months. Many pastors have small pieces of land with crops to support their families – these crops were completely destroyed.

A month after the locust plague destroyed crops; a total national lockdown was implemented in Kenya. Pastors could not have church services and receive offerings. Hundreds of pastors and their families lost their livelihood and have no means to earn an income to take care of their loved ones.

Furthermore, a few weeks after the start of the national lockdown a terrible flood hit large parts of Kenya. Thousands of people, including many pastors and student pastors, were left without shelter and food. People tried desperately to salvage what they could; mostly collecting the little they could carry – some were even floating down the streets on their doors.

The world as they know it has completely changed. It will take a while before these pastors and their families will be able to stand on their own feet again. Pastors have no way to feed their hungry children.

Without intervention from other believers these Kenyan families will surely starve.

Pastors are experiencing severe hunger, displacement from their homes, their food was eaten by the locust plague – but they have not lost all hope. Their hope is in Jesus Christ.

Thanks to loyal donors and people like you with generous hearts, it has been possible for Harvesters Ministries to provide some families with food. The job is however not done, there are still many families who need food urgently.

You have the opportunity to help a family today. Make a donation and feed a family in Kenya for one month. Partner with Harvesters Ministries today and be a blessing to those in need. Feed a family and save a life!

In Psalm 41:1 we read, “Blessed is he who considers the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.” Prayerfully consider feeding a family today and giving them the gift of life.


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